MHHCWB Overview

Since 1980, the MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board, Inc. (MHHCWB), formerly the Regional Employment Board of Hampden County, Inc. has been the region’s primary planner and convener to address workforce development issues. Established by Federal and State legislation, the MHHCWB is a business-led, non-profit corporation that engages its members from business, education, labor and community-based agencies to set public policies that will build a better workforce.

Our only business is workforce development. In partnership with government, business, labor and education and training providers, we coordinate, fund and oversee all of the region’s publicly funded worker training and job placement programs. We are also conveners and brokers, constantly researching local labor market demands and developing appropriate strategic alliances among employers and training vendors to meet those needs.

MHHCWB Vision Statement:

The MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board leads a dynamic, efficient and integrated workforce development system that promotes economic development and community growth, and is rooted in the principles of equity and increased access to workforce development services for employers and job seekers.

MHHCWB Mission Statement:

The MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board plans, coordinates and oversees the growth and effective use of public and private investment in workforce development initiatives for quality jobs. The Board provides leadership in creating strategic alliances with business, government education and community organizations to provide access to education, training and employment opportunities for all workers, especially for low income adults and youth, disadvantaged minorities and newcomers, dislocated workers, incumbent workers, and their families.

For more, see our Strategic Plan!

Our professional staff are solutions people who develop reemployment strategies for laid off workers, training programs for new workers, and internships for youth.

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